Thursday, August 20, 2009

Book Review--Are We Rome?

Are We Rome?: The Fall of an Empire and the Fate of America Are We Rome?: The Fall of an Empire and the Fate of America by Cullen Murphy

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I picked up Are We Rome? by Cullen Murphy because its title asked the very question I had been pondering for years:  How much in common does America have with Ancient Rome?  Will we "fall" in the same way it did?

The book goes into some detail about the similarities and differences between ancient Roman military, political and governmental organization and bureaucracy which is an informative and necessary prelude to answering the questions at hand. 

The book then goes on to describe the effect of continual contact with other cultures through trade, immigration, and empire building.  It also points out that while governments are changing, rather radically "on paper", people are adapting and learning from each other, often in less traumatic ways. 

It is not until the epilogue, though, that Murphy tackles the most interesting question: What will America look like "after the 'fall'"?  This, I think, would make an interesting sequel to the book--maybe a series, with a book for each of his future scenarios. 


View all my reviews >>


TACParent said...

Wow, another intense book. You are a very avid reader!

Staying in Balance said...

Thanks. I love to read!

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