Instructions: Use the picture you like best from the first (no clicking around for 44 pages) page of the search results on Google Image.
1. The city and province of the town where you grew up, no quotation marks.

2. The town where you currently reside.

3. Your name, first and last, but no quotes.

4. Your grandmother's name.

5. Your favorite food.

6. Your favorite drink.

7. Your favorite smell.

8. Your favorite song.

Hmmmm now let me see, I betcha your favorite song is Ave Maria!!!
I may be wrong but I thought I would give it a guess =)
Yeah, that's it! Good guess! I bet you can guess my grandmother's name too! (Your grandmother's name is Elizabeth, I would guess!)
Wow, that's sure creative. I would have never thought of doing that.
Yeah, I thought it was an original idea too.
Yes it's Elizabeth lol, I guessed your grandmothers name is Mary! =)
Yep! Mary is right!
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