Today is the feast with many names. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple is also known as the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin, because traditionally, women went to the temple on the 8th day after birth of a son to be purified. In Eastern Orthodoxy, it is known as Hypatante which means "Meeting" in Greek.
Today's feast is also known as Candlemas because, traditionally, it is when the bees wax candles are blessed for use in the church year. Many parishes ask parishioners to bring in their own candles and have them blessed for use in the next year.
If you can't get to Mass today to have your candles blessed, or even if you can, light a few candles today and say a prayer in honor of Christ, His Mother, and of Candlemas.
My eyes have seen your salvation,
which you prepared
in the sight of all the peoples:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and glory for your people Israel.
~From the Gospel for Candlemas;
the Book of Luke
God bless you all!
Every time I hear of Candlemas I think back to the year 2004. We were in Disney World and Eric was chosen as a "contestant" on their mock "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire Stage?" He lost at the last question and the answer was Candlemas. He couldn't believe I didn't know it, but I seriously had never heard of it. But I think I will light a candle tonight!!! Now that I know what it is about.
Well, when we were growing up, a lot of that stuff had been tossed aside like so much garbage. I didn't really learn about it until I was an adult.
I love the idea of having all the candles in your house blessed.
I found an interesting post on Candlemas, which presents it in light of various traditions: http://dstp.cba.pl/?p=3839
Interesting! I did not realize that Feb. 14th is 40 days after Jan. 6.
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