In the same reading, he tells us thatHe does not judge by appearances,he gives no verdict on hearsay,but judges the wretched with integrity,and with equity gives a verdict for the poor of the land.His word is a rod that strikes the ruthless,his sentences bring death to the wicked.Integrity is the loincloth round his waist,faithfulness the belt about his hips.
God judges with integrity and wants us to do the same. The only way Isaiah's prophesy of peace can be fulfilled is if we begin acting as Jesus did. Jesus was constantly challenging the religious power structure of his day to act with integrity. Intriguingly, he did nothing about the Roman occupation, telling people instead to "give to Cesar what is Cesar's and give to God what is God's". Money and temporal things all belong to Cesar and are not to be hoarded or worried about.The wolf will live with the lamb,the panther lies down with the kid,calf and lion feed together,with a little child to lead them.
But, if you profess to be a believer in the Father, then your values must always come into play and be consistent, no matter who you may be dealing with--friends, family, employers, believers, those in power and those who are powerless.Sometimes this involves challenging those in power over you in order to maintain your own integrity.
Human dignity comes first. Jesus healed on the Sabbath and remonstrated with those who thought that following the rule against work on that day was the most important thing. His disciples gathered wheat to eat on the Sabbath. Jesus was more concerned with their hunger than with blind obedience to the law.

Jesus' task was to get us to think outside the box of blindly following after authority with no thought for each other. Far from a faith of ignorant sheep, ours is a faith of thinking, loving human beings bringing the Kingdom of God to each other.
I don't see Jesus against organized religion. He was a very observant Jew. But He was against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the worldly things the Jewish religious leaders allowed to go on within the temple courts of Jerusalem. The Pharisees rigidly ruled the Jews according to the Jewish law, which they twisted toward their own advantage, and which they sneaked around whenever they felt like it. I bet plenty of Pharisees committed adultery, for instance, and got away with it because they never were caught or because their buddies looked the other way.
I see that behavior as being what Jesus condemned, not the Jewish religion itself. There is a tendency to condemn organized religion because of the hypocrisy of human leaders - we are all sinners - but Jesus is with the Church and the Church is necessary to the world. Without the magisterium, people could interpret sacred scripture and tradition any way they wanted. In fact, that's why we have so many different sects today. I think Jesus was telling us to look beyond the human and get a right relationship with God, not letting the human interfere with that.
I don't think Jesus was opposed to organized religion either. I think he wanted to hold those at the top of Judaism to standard of integrity. He wanted to tell everyone that the Kingdom of God is here--and can come by our own actions towards each other.
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