The Lord is kind and full of compassion.
slow to anger, abounding in love.
How good is the Lord to all,
compassionate to all his creatures.
~Psalm 145

This is what religion should be.
This is what God is.
Slow to anger.
Abounding in love.
Merciful Jesus, make us compassionate as You are compassionate!
A beautiful psalm and a beautiful thoght - so true. His generosity can be direct or indirect, through His creatures. This made me think of our rescue dog, Francie, who got her name because I wanted St. Francis of Assisi to look after her. She was just short of being a wild dog when we got her, but we stuck with her training and she is a great companion now. God blessed us with her and her with us.
Oh, that's wonderful Barbara! God certainly blesses us with animals.
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