Saturday, June 13, 2009

Letterman Over the Line

Whatever you might think of Sarah Palin's politics or personality, David Letterman crossed the line when he joked the other night that "her daughter (during a baseball game they attended) was 'knocked up' by Alex Rodriguez." When there was enough outcry, Letterman's excuse became that he wasn't talking about her 14 year old daughter Willow (who was with Palin that night at the game) but her over-the-age-of-majority daughter Bristol (who was not there that night).

Palin rightly points out that the press have honored Barack Obama's request for family privacy while indulging (in Letterman's case) in outdated, misogynistic humor about a minor girl whose mother happens to be a Republican governor.

Needless to say, I disagree with the poster at YouTube who says that Palin distorts Letterman's jokes. I think she nails it.


Nod said...

Yeah, I'm pretty much done with Letterman. He's shown himself to be a rude, partisan hack.

Staying in Balance said...

I'm starting to think that much of what is on television fits that description!

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