Friday, December 05, 2008

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena--Day Three

Novena Prayer--Day Three
O Mary, whose Immaculate Heart was pierced by seven swords of grief, help me to walk valiantly amid the sharp thorns strewn across my pathway. Obtain for me the strength to be a true imitator of you. This I ask you, my dear Mother. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

The stars on Mary's mantle are a symbol of the fact that she is sent from Heaven. On the original image, those stars correspond exactly to the constellations that were in the sky over Mexico on December 12, 1531.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us!


TACParent said...

Wow, where are you finding all this interesting information? And the pictures are beautiful too!

Staying in Balance said...

I'm enjoying finding them. There are many interesting Our Lady of Guadalupe representations out there.

Dymphna's favorite quotes

"Slavery ended in medieval Europe only because the church extended its sacraments to all slaves and then managed to impose a ban on the enslavement of Christians (and of Jews). Within the context of medieval Europe, that prohibition was effectively a rule of universal abolition. "— Rodney Stark

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