Friday, November 14, 2008

Saint Michael, Defend Us!

So many people get so stressed out this time of year, that it occurred to me that sometimes there may be a darker influence to this common phenomenon. At the very least, Satan must have a field day when people suffer. The season in which we prepare and celebrate Our Lord's Incarnation as God made man, is spent by many people fighting very dark feelings of emptiness and despair.

Let's say the Saint Michael prayer for all those who struggle with depression during the Holidays.

1 comment:

Michele said...

amen! and agreed

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"Slavery ended in medieval Europe only because the church extended its sacraments to all slaves and then managed to impose a ban on the enslavement of Christians (and of Jews). Within the context of medieval Europe, that prohibition was effectively a rule of universal abolition. "— Rodney Stark

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