Sunday, November 23, 2008


Next week is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is the time of preparation for Christ's birth at Christmas. It is a time to prepare for Christmas as a spiritual time. This can be very difficult to do in today's materialistic society, but it is worth doing. This year, with our economy in tatters, more people are scaling back on the materialistic aspect of Christmas anyway. This may be a good opportunity to rethink our preparation for the Holy Season of Christmas.

There's a saying in many 12 step groups that can be applied to the pre-Christmas season in the West today: Take what you like and leave the rest. If a tradition helps you prepare spiritually for Christmas, keep it. If it doesn't, toss it.

I like to decorate for Advent. I put up my creche without the Baby, my Advent wreath, my Mary statue without the Infant, a couple of groups of 4 purple votive candles, and a group of 4 purple Christmas balls. All that purple, along with the creche, reminds me that Advent is here, and is a spiritual time.

Whatever you feel called to do this year, do it with the focus on Christ--Christ coming into your heart so that you can be a healing balm to others.


TACParent said...

I like the candles with this creche. Makes it warm. I have to clean off my foyer table so I can display my creche. I try and keep it simple, but dd gets involved and well .... she likes to express herself.

Staying in Balance said...

I like expressing myself too! I love using the candles. As you said, it adds a feeling of warmth. Also, it helps make things easier to see!

Michele said...

amen!!!! superb post!!!!

Staying in Balance said...

Thanks, Marilena!

Michele said...

nice backgroud on your doll!

Staying in Balance said...

Thanks! I decided, the leaves are off the trees here, and we've had snow flurries, so its time for a change.

Dymphna's favorite quotes

"Slavery ended in medieval Europe only because the church extended its sacraments to all slaves and then managed to impose a ban on the enslavement of Christians (and of Jews). Within the context of medieval Europe, that prohibition was effectively a rule of universal abolition. "— Rodney Stark

my poetry on the web

Karumi Garden

Karumi Garden
my haiku