Go to onebabyonevote.com and spiritually adopt and name an aborted baby.
Then go to the polls and give that baby a voice.
Let the coming generation be told of the LORD
that they may proclaim to a people yet to be born
the justice he has shown.
~Psalm 22:32
(from today's Mass readings)
i spiritually adopted 2. i can't vote, but i can pray!
Thank you, Marilena!
I am very Pro-Life, enough so that I was with my 15 y/o daughter when my 10 m/o grandson was born and I care for him during the day when she is in school.
I would love to see abortion oulawed.
I am turning to a position that abortion does not belong in politics but in church (separation of church and state) and in our teachings. Yes, I know what you are going to say.
Firstly, to elect very sub-normal unacceptable Presidential candidates because they claim they will work to decrease and eliminate abortion is an attrocious thought. We many have candidates just claim this fact to get the Pro-Life vote.
Though hotly debated, the judgement of John McCain and the intelligence of Sarah Palin are an insult to my intelligence! It is a well known fact that Palin was chosen for sexist, charismatic vote-getting.
A second fact which is very disturbing is the number of medical emergencies and deaths which will again become fact for those seeking secret abortions if abort is again made illegal. I remember the numbers from when I was young. It was horrific. "Dirty Dancing," the movie, included a scene about this. Remember that the setting of that movie was in the 1950's, when abortion was illegal and the Johnny's dancing partner couldn't dance that show because of problems from an illegal abortion.
As a medical paraprofessional and former EMT, the idea concerns me.
Time marches on but re-education, public information, and changes in public thought are going to have to be the key here, and maybe already are.
God bless.
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