Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lyrics to French song

Below are the French lyrics to the song in the YouTube video in the post below this one. Unfortunately, we do not yet know anything about what CD it might be on.

Paroles : A. Dumont
Musique : Marc Dannaud N°14-10

Nous te saluons,
Ô toi notre Dame Marie,
Vierge Sainte que drape le soleil
Couronnée d’étoiles, la lune est sous tes pas
En toi nous est donnée
L’aurore du Salut

1 - Marie Eve nouvelle et joie de ton Seigneur,
Tu as donné naissance à Jésus le sauveur.
Par toi nous sont ouvertes, les portes du jardin
Guide-nous en chemin, étoile du matin.

2 - Tu es restée fidèle,
mère au pied de la croix,
Soutiens notre espérance et garde notre foi.
Du côté de ton fils, tu as puisé pour nous,
L’eau et le sang versés qui sauvent du péché.

3 - Quelle fut la joie d’Eve lorsque tu es montée,
Plus haut que tous les anges, plus haut que les nuées,
Et quelle est notre joie, douce Vierge Marie
De contempler en toi la promesse de vie.

4 - Ô Vierge immaculée, préservée du péché,
En ton âme en ton corps, tu entres dans les cieux.
Emportée dans la gloire, sainte reine des cieux,
Tu nous accueilleras, un jour auprès de Dieu.

And now, an English translation by Erin (from the NFP board).

We hail you,
Oh Our LadyMary,
Holy Virgin clothed with the sun
Crowned with stars, the moon is under your feet
In you we are given
The dawn of salvation

1 - Mary New Eve and joy of your Lord,
You have given birth to Jesus the savior.
Through you the doors of the garden are opened to us
Guide us on the way, morning star.

2 - You stayed faithful, mother at the foot of the cross,
Sustain our hope and guard our faith.
From the side of your son, you have drawn for us,
The water and the blood that saves us from sin.

3 - Such was the joy of Eve when you were lifted,
Higher than all the angles,
higher than the clouds,
And such is our joy, sweet Virgin Mary
To contemplate in you the promise of life.

4 - Oh Immaculate Virgin, preserved from sin,
With your soul and your body, you entered the heavens.
Brought in glory, holy queen of the heavens,
You will welcome us, one day in front of God.


Renaud said...

Hello 4HisChurch,
I know this song by heart ! (almost, bass voice included)
It is edited by the Emmanuel Community. CD "Il est Vivant!" number 14, as you mention already.
I did not check the video you posted, that's why I was silent...
Here is the reference page, but I don't have a clue how to order these CDs:
We have two at home, chorus are great, I sometimes have problem with the use of instruments.

Charley said...

Hiya :)

This has nothing to do with your post, but I am so TIRED of anti-Catholicism. I know, I know, rejoice, but what is it about people that feel the constant need to berate Catholics? I don't get it; if you don't like what we do, just leave us alone! I don't go out and find athiests and burn them at the stake, or even mock them in public. Why attack us?


Staying in Balance said...

Renaud--I was hoping you would see this post--thanks so much!!

Charley--I really sympathize with you.

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